‘Bora Valley’ is a medium-late maturing potato cultivar with purple skin and flesh color, good processing quality, and excellent storability. It has medium plant height and dark foliage. ‘Bora Valley’ has a profuse flowering habit and light purple flowers. Tubers have smooth skin, round, with medium eye depth, and short to medium dormancy. It has stable yield under wide range of climatic conditions. ‘Bora Valley’ is moderately resistant to late blight, common scab, potato virus Y, and soft rot, but moderately susceptible to black scurf and powdery scab. It is also resistant to physiological disorders, particularly hollow heart and heat necrosis. ‘Bora Valley’ is suitable for pressing fresh juice, fresh table use, steam cooking, and also for chips. The specific gravity of ‘Bora Valley’ is medium (1.077) and similar to ‘Atlantic’ (1.078). ‘Bora Valley’ is capable of yielding 43.78 t/ha under optimum agronomical practices which is 12.72% higher than the control potato cv. ‘Atlantic’. ‘Bora Valley’ tubers contain higher amount of vitamin C (31.2 mg/100 g) and higher content of antioxidant compounds (2977 mg) than in ‘Atlantic’ (13.3 mg/100 g vitamin C and 823.2 mg). In addition, this cultivar has been shown to express anti-obesity benefits and help reduce total fat and whole body lipids. Thus, ‘Bora Valley” has high yielding potential, good processing quality, and high value for functional food industries. It is well-being functional food to prevent obesity, chronic constipations, gastroentric disorder and hyperlipidemia.
Bora Valley is a gold medal winner of the International Potato Congress and Exhibition held in Moscow in 2007.
1. Inhibitory effects of ethanol extract of purple potato on obesity and hyperlipidemia. Korea j. Oriental Physiology and Pathology 2(3):605-610, 2007
2. Evaluation of potato varieties with high antioxidant activities by measuring phenolic acids in different tuber parts. Hort.Environ.Biotechnol. 47(3):126-131, 2006
3. Growth-inhibiting effects of various valley potato varieties and breeding clones toward human intestinal bacteria. Agric.Chem.Biotechnol. 47(2):97-101, 2004
4.Evaluation of potato varieties on fecal microflora of human volunteers. Food Sci.Biotechnol. 14(3): 420-423, 2005
1. The healthy and functional foods for the obesity patience using purple-colored potato (10-0709238-0000/ Korean patent on 2007.4.12
2. Extract having growth-inhibiting and promoting effects of human intestinal bacteria extracted from valley potato cultivars anti-oxidantive compound extracted from Bora Valley, functional foods and cosmetics containing thereof (10-0583192-0000/Korean patent on 2006.5.18)
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